Who, What, or Where, (In The Name of Arda) Am I?

Growing food and eating it occupied most of their time.
Warrior of Imladris
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Are you a ruler?

Cave Troll
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Yes, I am a ruler.
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Warrior of Imladris
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Are you a king?

Cave Troll
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Yes, I am a king.

(I sense a closing in on the answer.)
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Warrior of Imladris
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Are you alive during The Return of the King?

Cave Troll
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Yes; well, for most of it.
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Warrior of Imladris
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Got it narrowed down to two, then.

Are you Theoden?

Cave Troll
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No, I am not Theoden.
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Warrior of Imladris
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Then are you King Brand of Dale?

Cave Troll
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I am King Brand of Dale.
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Warrior of Imladris
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Very well!

What am I?

Khazad Elder
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Are you alive?
The world was fair in Durin's Day

Warrior of Imladris
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I am not

Cave Troll
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Are you made of stone?
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Khazad Elder
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Are you a weapon?
The world was fair in Durin's Day

Warrior of Imladris
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I am not made of stone.
I am a weapon.

Cave Troll
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Are you an Elf-made weapon?
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Warrior of Imladris
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It is not specifically stated, but I would say that the probability is near 100% certain that I am.

Cave Troll
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Are you used in the Third Age?
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Khazad Elder
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Are you adorned with anything (gems, runes, etc.)?
The world was fair in Durin's Day

Warrior of Imladris
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I am not used in the Third Age.
I am not described with any adornments.

Cave Troll
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Are you a sword?
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Warrior of Imladris
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I am a sword.

Cave Troll
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Alright, time for a concrete guess.

Are you Dagmor, the sword of Beren?
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Khazad Elder
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Are you Ringil, the sword of Fingolfin?
The world was fair in Durin's Day

Warrior of Imladris
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I am indeed Ringil!

Cave Troll
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Yeah, I would also guess that Ringil is Elvish made.

Well done, Dwarf!
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Khazad Elder
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Yippee! I mean, thank you. :grin: Dagmor is an obscure word in the histories. Only mentioned twice, I believe. It would have been a good subject for a riddle.

Where am I?
The world was fair in Durin's Day

Cave Troll
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How do you know something as obscure as the number of mentions of Dagmor? Your knowledge is astonishing.

Anyway, are you on Valinor or Tol Eressëa?
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Khazad Elder
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Do you ever read the Index? I do. In my copy, it states:
Dagmor, Beren's sword page 344, 350
512 Dagmor. Beren's sword is named nowwhere else. The Lays of Beleriand, HoME vol.3, The Lay of Leithian Recommenced
I was on the dwarven drill team in the Old Plaza Hay Days for several years. At that time, I purchased all twelve volumes of The History of Middle-earth, The Silmarillion, and The Unfinished Tales. My collection has grown since then. This box of books always sits on my dining room table. :wink:

Okay, back to the game.

No, I am not on Valinor or Tol Eressëa. Would you consider that two guesses in one? :lol:
The world was fair in Durin's Day

Cave Troll
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You are the only person I ever knew who reads the index! Tolkien would have embraced you, of that I am certain. A reader after his own heart. Incidentally, I've been looking at the appendices of LotR and have been struck by the different style of the first edition to what we know from the second. If I had more energy I would make a Lore post about it.

Technically I deem that one guess because it was a way of asking 'are you in Middle-earth?'

Anyway, the current question: are you underground?
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Warrior of Imladris
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Are you above water in the Third Age?

Khazad Elder
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I am not underground.
I am not above water in the Third Age.
The world was fair in Durin's Day

Cave Troll
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Are you above water in the First Age?

(You know, btw, that some of Beleriand survived above water.)
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Warrior of Imladris
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Are you a tower?

Khazad Elder
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Chrysophylax Dives wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2025 12:52 am Are you above water in the First Age?

(You know, btw, that some of Beleriand survived above water.)
More riddle material.

I am above water in the First Age.
I am not a tower.
The world was fair in Durin's Day

Cave Troll
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I guessed Númenor and then deleted because that was not above water in the First Age because it did not then exist.

Hmmmm. Let's get clear on the basics.

Are you one of those bits of land that gets smashed up in the Great Battle at the end of the First Age?
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Warrior of Imladris
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Were you a spot ruled by the Noldor?

New Soul
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Are you a piece of land where the elves of Lord Cirdan live in the First Age?
Just call me Aiks or Aikári. Notify is off.
Find me stuff in Gondolin.
And let us embark to Valinor!

Khazad Elder
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No, not that I have read.
As far as I have read, I am not a spot ruled by the Noldor.
No, I am not a piece of land where the elves of Lord Cirdan lived.
The world was fair in Durin's Day

Cave Troll
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I am getting confused. Let's step back to: "I am not above water in the Third Age."

Are you under water in the Third Age?
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Warrior of Imladris
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Were you ruled by Melkor or a lieutenant of his?

Khazad Elder
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Where am I?
Anyway, are you on Valinor or Tol Eressëa?
No, I am not on Valinor or Tol Eressëa. Would you consider that two guesses in one? :lol:

Anyway, the current question: are you underground?
Are you above water in the Third Age?
I am not underground.
I am not above water in the Third Age.

Are you above water in the First Age?
Are you a tower?
I am above water in the First Age.
I am not a tower.

Are you one of those bits of land that gets smashed up in the Great Battle at the end of the First Age?
Were you a spot ruled by the Noldor?
Are you a piece of land where the elves of Lord Cirdan live in the First Age?
No, not that I have read.
As far as I have read, I am not a spot ruled by the Noldor.
No, I am not a piece of land where the elves of Lord Cirdan lived.

Chrysophylax Dives wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2025 2:59 pm I guessed Númenor and then deleted because that was not above water in the First Age because it did not then exist.

Hmmmm. Let's get clear on the basics.

Are you one of those bits of land that gets smashed up in the Great Battle at the end of the First Age?
Drifa wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 11:12 am No, not that I have read.
As far as I have read, I am not a spot ruled by the Noldor.
No, I am not a piece of land where the elves of Lord Cirdan lived.
I have never read that I was one of those bits of land that got smashed up in the Great Battle at the end of the First Age.
I am not above water in the Third Age.
I have never read that Melkor or one of his lieutenants ruled me, but they may have.
The world was fair in Durin's Day

Cave Troll
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Are you a lake or a river?
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Warrior of Imladris
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Are you a mountain?

Khazad Elder
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I am not a lake or a river.
Er... no, I am not a mountain.
The world was fair in Durin's Day

Cave Troll
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Alright, are you the sea?
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Khazad Elder
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No, I am not the sea.
The world was fair in Durin's Day

Cave Troll
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The river bed where the Ring was?
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.

Warrior of Imladris
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Are you cold?

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