Calling All Bird Nerds

Yeah I get it, this is where everyone will actually post.
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Dragons and birds are both excellent.
I did put a dragonfeeder in the garden too, but the neighbours complained about all the screaming.

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This is the ultimate trust I get from Crowley is she got the two kids to wander about the yard foraging before sneaking off for a nap in the sun.
She couldn't care less if I was walking around the yard and by her. She was this way for a good ten or so minutes.


Today I dug out my Nikon D5600 in hopes of getting some better quality shots of my friends. I just have to re-learn how to operate it.
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Cave Troll
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Maw and Crowley are one of the best things on the plaza these days. They are ravens and not crows, right? The photo got me looking up the ravens at the Tower of London.
It is said that the kingdom and the Tower of London will fall if the six resident ravens ever leave the fortress.

Charles II is thought to have been the first to insist that the ravens of the Tower be protected after he was warned that the crown and the Tower itself would fall if they left.
And the page has also:
Ravens are intelligent birds and each of ours has its own personality; they can mimic sounds, play games and solve problems. These magnificent birds respond only to the Ravenmaster and should not be approached too closely by anyone else.
Good luck with working the camera!
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Fab pic @Hanasian.

Corvids are the best of birds.

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Chrysophylax Dives wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 7:31 am Maw and Crowley are one of the best things on the plaza these days. They are ravens and not crows, right?
Yes, they are Australian Ravens. There are Australian crows around here too, but the distinction is the ravens tend to be somewhat larger, and their under-down is a dull brownish-grey while the crows have a brighter white under-down. Also the calls are different if somewhat similar. The ravens 'caw' is longer and slower, and the last one usually tapers off into a long receding pitch-dropping buzz. The crows are louder, quicker with the caws in rapid succession, it doesn't taper, and seemingly they are more boisterous. There is a slight difference in the head shape but it is negligible to the naked eye, and the tail feathers are different.
Chrysophylax Dives wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 7:31 amGood luck with working the camera!
It turns out they don't like the camera. Too big of an eye I suppose. They are used to me having my iPhone in hand so don't react adversely to me taking photos with it. I should be able to get some of them perched around with it though. Just no close-ups.

VelvetineZone wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 5:12 pm Fab pic @Hanasian.

Corvids are the best of birds.
Thank you. Yes they are!

I didn't have my phone with me yesterday, but I witnessed a really cool event in raven world. Maw and Crowley were lightly humming and slightly cawing to each other as they foraged, like a conversation. They then went up onto a pile of wood I stacked and proceeded to 'cuddle' up to each other, and Maw turned his head sideways and opened his beak while Crowley set her beak between his. They were perfectly still for over a minute. They were kissing! What ruin a loving moment between parents the quickest? kids. Aud (I believe is a young male) decided to descend from the Cypress tree and try landing on the wood stack with them. There wasn't a lot of room so he flew off, but he succeeded in disrupting dad and mom's lovee time.
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I set up the feeder for the little birds, at least six of them flock together almost at any given time and each take their turn at the feeder. Seeds keep disappearing at great speed, so I might have to cut back on those so they eat the other food else I'll go bankrupt. lol

Khazad Elder
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Hahaha! I would set a bird feeder out but would have to construct a squirrel-proof feeder. There are way too many black squirrels in the city. What are the flock of little birds that you feed?
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Drifa, I get a plenty of great tits (managed to catch one with my phone camera), a blue tit when it can get in and not be chased away by the greats. And then some sparrows picking up what falls down. There's always my pigeon but he's too big for that feeder, so I toss him a handful of something now and then.


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Thought I'd share a couple more fun little events with my raven-clan...
This short video is of Maw coming up and tapping me for a treat...

And there was some fun in the back yard when my cat Scooter went out among them. The old man enjoyed a play with the fledgling Aud, but he called it quits after a couple rounds of tag and pounce. Aud would weave his way toward Scooter, and scooter would wiggle his butt and Aud would fly up and back. Once Scooter quit though, Aud still wanted to play. Here is a pic I got of Aud going for Scooter's tail...


About three seconds after I snapped this pic, Aud pinched Scooter's tail, Scooter turned around quickly with a loud angry hiss, and Aud backpedaled both on his feet and with his wings. Meanwhile, mom Crowley (on top of the rockpile barely visible) watched the whole thing and was somewhat amused.
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:grin: Love those birdies, @Hanasian . And the cat (or what can be seen of 'm).

Here's my merry company:


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Pele Alarion wrote: Thu Dec 19, 2024 3:59 pm :grin: Love those birdies, @Hanasian . And the cat (or what can be seen of 'm).
I was trying to get my phone in video mode but things were happening too fast.

Had an interesting observation of their personalities today. Was out doing our usual ritual, and Maw decided to stand back and primp his feathers while the two young ones went after the bits I flicked. They were like teenagers in a mosh pit. Anyway, a piece of food hit a brick and bounced back under Maw and Aud went moshing straight into him. Dad got after him with loud caws and some vicious pecks, and Aud was quickly put in his place. Meanwhile, Ghost sauntered over and got the piece of food. The two fledglings are hard to tell apart at first glance, but their caws are slightly different in pitch, and Aud does it a lot more. Ghost is more aloof and tends to go wandering and foraging on her own a lot. And it is easy to tell who is Maw's favorite. He gets after the teenage son (Aud), but dotes upon the teenage daughter (Ghost).
Annalist, Physician, & Historian
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Please keep those bird stories coming, @Hanasian. It is like reading a good book. :grin:

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I didn't get any photos but yesterday Maw (an old photo) came to my home office window and really made a racket. Once he sees me come to the window he pirate-walks around to the side door. I get a few treats and head out, expecting the whole clan of four. Nope, just Maw.

He obviously was out flying solo and he wasn't really hungry... probably because of the post-Christmas bin collection day. All he wanted to do was hang out with me. He wanted me to sit on the ground in my usual spot and he got on a rock that lines the garden bed and settled on his belly. He collected a few bits of food, but we mainly just looked around at things and at each other. After about five minutes he heard something in Ravenworld that had him stand up and give several repeated loud caws before he flew off. Just chillin' for five.

He's over on the next block making noise right now. Hasn't come to visit today though. The kids Aud and Ghost did drop in for a few minutes to drink and splash in the fresh water I put out.

Edit: You wanted to see the rest of Scooter the ornery old man. He's sixteen years old and still as active as ever. He had to get his eye removed a few years ago because he got glaucoma and the swelling displaced his lens. he was already blind according to the vet.

Annalist, Physician, & Historian
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New Soul
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Nice birdies! :winkkiss:
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Dang that Scooter photo is big!

Today I was hanging out with my Raven clan again. It was quite warm out (37°C/100°F) and they just wanted to hang out in the shade with me. They hold their beaks open when they're hot, similar to dogs when they pant.

Maw & Crowley


And here is Aud and Ghost (still with their fledgling pink mouths)


Maw likes those two rocks to stand or sit on, and wants me to sit down on the walk-path.
Crowley stays to my left on the patio, and the young ones prefer to be higher.
They will just sit there with me for five or so minutes, though Aud is restless and easily distracted.
Annalist, Physician, & Historian
of The Black Company of the Dúnedain,
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New Soul
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Hanasian: 37C? Wow, then you live in the southern hemispheres of the globe. :lol: Cute those birds. After long weeks of rain, we finally have a tiny bit of frost, but also steady weather, cloudless skies for a change and good rays of sun. My roses do try to flower on, despite the cold, the snowflakes are in bloom and another plant with small purple flowers tries spring out too. It is January, but true winter? We haven't seen a snowflake yet. One night of ice in the water behind the house, but that is gone as well. It is good for 5C+ in the daytime hours.
Just call me Aiks or Aikári. Notify is off.
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@Pele Alarion, I thought I'd better move discussion here so that @Drifa does not get annoyed and complain about spam on the music thread.

How do you know about the beavers? I am not doubting what you say, I am simply awed that you know such a thing. Is this eagle's nest near to you?

Anyway, I will keep at the Latvian eagle cam until I see an eagle (and maybe then some), but so far I have seen none. Also, as you pointed out, the camera is turned off at night. So in the meanwhile I found an Israeli vulture cam, where the vultures seem to be home most of the time. Here, if you care to take a look.
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I got an eagle!!!

It is standing on a branch in the top left of the frame, so I cannot see it very clearly. From the chat, this seems to be Zorro.

Edit: now Zorro has jumped into the nest and is in full view!

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Quite incredible to watch. Every now and again he opens his wings and hops on to a branch or back to the nest. Sometimes he looks directly at the camera. I have to say, his eyes do not look friendly. Would not want to be in a fight with Zorro.
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@Pele Alarion, I think you were right about the chain-saws keeping the eagles away. Now that background noise has stopped and the last couple of days I've seen a fair bit of the eagles - even had both of them in the nest at one point yesterday.

Thanks for the link!
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@Chrysophylax Dives I finally wandered back in here. :grin: I've been watching that nest for a few years since the soap opera drama began with Milda's partners going missing. With enough time, I've collected knowledge both from the chat on youtube and from the forum (English one: ... php?t=1148). The place is about an hour's drive from my hometown.
They've already built up such a big nest, really hoping that this season will be successful.
Have you figured out how to know which is Milda and which is Zorro? I usually look at their eyes - Milda has a light rim/circle around her eyes.

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