Gollum.... the movie?

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Ent Ancient
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I heard about this and 100% thought it was a joke. But apparently...it is real and they are making...Gollum movies? :lol:

Khazad Elder
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Yes, I read that too. Andy Serkis is behind it, I believe.
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I remember finding out about the original fan film, way back in the day, on the early days of this very plaza. People were simultaneously praising it whilst telling the creators that, perhaps, they weren't supposed to be advertising their film in the forum they were advertising (back when advertising in general was frowned on rather than ignored). For the time and with the limited budget I thought it was amazing. It clearly took inspiration from PJs films, borrowing the overall aesthetic of the trilogy and the appearance and vocal performances of the actors.

I think WB announcing this "Hunt for Gollum" film is a smokescreen. I do not believe they have any intentions of releasing it, if they have any interest in filming it. Given their current reputation as a studio who shelves projects weeks before release, I don't trust their intentions. Not to mention that, merely a few days after the film was announced, the original fan film, with over 12 million views of YouTube was copywrite struck and removed. The affront was remedied later, due to the outcry of many people (myself included) saying how scummy the action was.

I have no faith in this production, not because of the people involved, but the studio. I don't believe we are going to see a "Hunt for Gollum" film at all.
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New Soul
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Frost: There is indeed the fan made Hunt for Gollum on YouTube. But also a longtime RPG game you can play as Gollum, where you're first imprisoned in Mordor and afterwards escaping end up in Aradhrynd, home of Legolas, and escape that. You can watch a walkthrough on YT for six hours or more, uploaded by players, as a movie. It is quite fun.
Last edited by Aikári Salmarinian on Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Elven Enchanter
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Who’s out there asking for all the Gollum content?! Whilst the Hunt for Gollum was a fun fan film I don’t know ANYONE who has been into the Gollum game.
cave anserem

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The Gollum video game was a direct reason why the company that produced it went out of business, so whoever's making the film needs to be careful they don't sleep with the fishes if the film isn't a success.

Ent Ancient
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oh yeah! The Hunt for Gollum was good! This sounds...just meh!

Ent Ancient
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I still thought this was a joke but apparently it's real? It sounds like some news just broke that they are writing the script now and plan to release in 2026 while hinting there are other stories yet to be told.

Honestly I don't know what to think. It all seems like $$$$ cashing in. On one hand, I read they also mentioned bringing back Alan Lee and John Howe, which is great. Not saying they aren't. But there are a lot of other great artists out there who might want a chance to contribute their images of ME. I also feel like hasn't it run its course? There are lots of other wonderful stories out there that could be adapted into amazing films instead of extending giant franchises out of a select few things or remaking movies that have been made multiple times already.

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So long as they don't do a Gollum romance arc like they did for the video game.

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